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Showing posts from March, 2019

REY NATURALS Onion Oil with Sandalwood & Rose Oil

Onion oil has always been a traditional wonder in many beauty secrets. Onions consist of dietary sulphur which is beneficial for hair growth. It also helps in increased collagen production which in turn helps in production of healthy skin cells thus making the scalp for strong for netter and strong hair follicles. Hence Onion oil has been an active ingredient since decades in preventing hair loss. However I have had hair troubles since some time now and no matter what my hectic schedule just doesn't allow me much time to pay attention to this issues. All those who follow my blogs will know I really have a busy schedule leaving me very to no time for personal care regime. Hence I am always on a hunt of natural products offering me a quick fix.         Thankfully market seems to have realised this concern with the growing trend of onion oil launched by various brands. Personally the one I loved is by Reynaturals due to which my hair regime is sorted now. Have been using

Bellavita's Be White Volcanic Mud Detan Face Pack

      Huge number of today's working class women live a life where they keep running all the time....trying to balance between professional and personal life. Be it a mother cum professional whose up on toes all the time....Be it a single daughter trying to meet her families needs while shaping her future....Be it a wife juggling her new marriage an new promotion...Be it YOU....Be it ME...Be it any one...         Now no matter what challenge you throw we women know how to tackle it thats for sure...while knowlege of beauty regime is something we inherit from our Mothers & Grandmothers....Natural home remedies passed on from generation to generation... T hese remedies do work wonders no doubts...but don't you think it at times become quite tedious and time consuming??? Implementing some of these in our daily chaotic lives is a task in itself...that is why I am on a constant hunt of alternatives to such natural fixes always...       Came across this pr