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REY NATURALS Onion Oil with Sandalwood & Rose Oil

Onion oil has always been a traditional wonder in many beauty secrets. Onions consist of dietary sulphur which is beneficial for hair growth. It also helps in increased collagen production which in turn helps in production of healthy skin cells thus making the scalp for strong for netter and strong hair follicles. Hence Onion oil has been an active ingredient since decades in preventing hair loss. However I have had hair troubles since some time now and no matter what my hectic schedule just doesn't allow me much time to pay attention to this issues. All those who follow my blogs will know I really have a busy schedule leaving me very to no time for personal care regime. Hence I am always on a hunt of natural products offering me a quick fix.

        Thankfully market seems to have realised this concern with the growing trend of onion oil launched by various brands. Personally the one I loved is by Reynaturals due to which my hair regime is sorted now. Have been using this product since quite a long time and must admit it was a boon to me. This new deep action onion oil comes infused with Sandalwood & Rose oil. It claims to solve all your hair worries. Rich in sulphur, potassium and anti-oxidants this helps in treating excessive hairfall & dandruff while accelerating new hair growth.  

         Priced at INR 799/- for 200ml this product claims dandruff control, treats hairfall & accelerates hair growth. Key ingredients being Red onion extract, Coconut oil, Sunflower oil, Vitamin E oil, Isoamyl Laurate, Castor Oil, Argan oil, Jojoba Oil, extracts of Aamla, Brahmi, Hibiscus, Indian Margosa, Bhringraj, Mango Butter, Shea Butter, Sandalwood Oil & Rose Oil.

Directions for use
           For best results, apply few drops directly on scalp or hair. Can be used directly or with other carrier or essential oils.

My Experience
True to its claims it did work wonders on my damaged hair. The red oil has a pleasant smell nevertheless the main ingredient being onion. All those who were reluctant it doesn't at all smell like onions guys. The texture is runny and not too thick so it can be directly applied. It feels very light on hair and give a nice silky texture to hair. It did help arrest my hairfall however new hair growth is something which might be observed a long period of regular use. I will definitely continue using it and will let you guys know if it does help promote hair growth. For now you can buy the product from here and let me know your opinion about it guys.


  1. Such helpful tips and an honest blogpost. Thankz for sharing the info.

  2. I'd never heard of onion oil before! It amazes me how many different kinds of products are now available on the market. Thanks for your review, will check it out if I ever come across it.
    Noor Anand Chawla

  3. Looks like amazing tips. Thanks for sharing informative post I am looking forward for more such posts

  4. Looks like, I must use this. As nothing else seems to work

  5. This is really helpful , will try for sure

  6. Really helpful.. I have damaged hairs and will surely try it.

  7. Heard a lot about Onion oil.

    I guess I should try it now

  8. Wow i would love to try this onion oil! Seems soo effective


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